Work Rules – Sapona Plastics, LLC. eff: 2/15/22
1.At Will Employment: Employment with Sapona is voluntarily entered into, and the employee is free to resign at will at any time, with or without cause. Similarly, Sapona may terminate the employment relationship at will at any time, with or without notice or cause, so long as there is no violation of applicable federal or state law. Please give at least one week notice before quitting and talk it over with your supervisor first, whatever the reason.
2.Equal Employment: Sapona does not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices on the basis of veteran status, national origin, genetic information, race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status or any other characteristic protected by law. Reasonable accommodations will be made for qualified individuals with known disabilities unless doing so would result in an undue hardship.
3.Immigration Law Compliance: Sapona is committed to employing only United States citizens and aliens who are authorized to work in the United States and does not discriminate on the basis of citizenship or national origin.
4.Introductory period: An employee can be terminated for any reason within the first 60 days of employment. The successful completion of this period does not guarantee employment for any specific duration or limit the right of the employee or the Company to terminate employment at any time.
5.Training: Workers will be trained appropriately on new tasks and performance may be evaluated when appropriate. Workers must make every effort to continue to improve, learn, and cross train.
6.Safety and Health: Each worker is responsible for safety. Each worker is responsible for knowing and obeying the safety rules and established safety procedures and practices pertaining to their job.
7.Quality: Each worker is expected to know and follow the documented procedures and specific quality requirements for their job, and to understand the quality policy.
8.Housekeeping: Workers are required to keep their machines and work area clean and orderly. All workers are responsible for keeping the plant, break rooms, and facilities clean.
9.Conduct: Each worker is expected to conduct himself in a considerate and professional manner, treating others with courtesy and respect. Use of abusive and threatening language, fighting, horseplay, spreading malicious rumors, insubordination, and other objectionable or unsafe conduct will not be allowed.
10.Working Time: Hourly workers are asked to follow the starting and stopping work schedule for their particular shift. Unless authorized by your supervisor, you must not enter working areas more than six minutes before starting time nor remain in working areas more than six minutes after the end of the shift. Falsifying time records, tampering with time records, or clocking in for another worker is prohibited.
11.Break Time: Each worker is entitled to two 20 minute breaks during their 8 hour shift or three 20 minute breaks during a 12 hour shift, as scheduled by their supervisor. No one is allowed to be outside the plant, in their vehicle or visiting other unauthorized departments and work areas during their shift . Anyone leaving during their shift not on company business must punch out.
12.Rest Day: Workers are allowed to have at least 24 consecutive hours rest in any 7 day period.
13.Overtime: Excess overtime work must always be approved beforehand by a supervisor verbally. Overtime compensation is 1.5 times regular rate for any hours over 40 in a work week. Total of regular and overtime hours may not exceed 60 hours except in exceptional circumstances. Excess overtime will not be requested on a regular basis. Overtime will be with the consent of the worker. Workers that suspect overtime has not been properly calculated or compensated must immediately report the concern to their supervisors.
14.Absence: If you must be absent from work, please notify your supervisor in advance. If advance notice is not possible, you must contact your supervisor or the plant office on the first day you are out. Excessive absenteeism or tardiness for any reason can result in a written warning and possible termination. Excessive absenteeism is defined below for 8 hr and 12 hr employees:
For 12-hr employees:
2 absences < 3 months = Verbal (1st write up)
3 absences < 5 months = 2nd write up
4 absences < 6 months = 3rd write up
5 absences < 9 months = 4th write up/Termination
For 8-hr employees:
2 absences < 4 months = Verbal (1st write up)
3 absences < 6 months = 2nd write up
5 absences < 8 months = 3rd write up
7 absences < 12 months = 4th write up/Termination
If prolonged sickness or absence is anticipated, you should discuss leave options with the Director of HR.
15.Dress: You are expected to present a clean, neat, and tasteful appearance. You must dress and groom yourself according to the requirements of your position and accepted social standards. If your supervisor feels your personal appearance is inappropriate, you may be asked to leave the workplace until you are properly dressed or groomed. No open toe shoes are allowed and soles must be non-slip.
16.Smoking: Smoking is not allowed except in designated areas and only during scheduled breaks.
17.Property: Damaging buildings, machinery, supplies, or other company property in any way, and theft of such property is prohibited. This same respect is required of workers’ property. Notify your supervisor if any equipment, machines, tools, or vehicles appear to be damaged, defective, or in need of repair. Also, notify your supervisor or manager of any suspicious activity. All workers will respect the privacy of others. The company reserves the right to search lockers, belongings and persons.
18.Workplace Violence: Firearms, weapons, and other dangerous or hazardous devices or substances are prohibited from the premises of Sapona. Conduct that threatens, intimidates, or coerces another worker, a customer, or a member of the public at any time, including off-duty periods, will not be tolerated.
19.Alcohol and drugs: No worker may use, possess, distribute, sell or have present in one’s system alcohol or illegal drugs on company premises. Legal use of prescribed drugs is permitted on the job only if it does not impair an employee’s performance or threaten safety. Refer to the substance abuse policy for more details on testing, etc.
20.Harassment: Behavior that is offensive in nature, intimidating, unwelcomed, or that could reasonably be taken as objectionable will not be tolerated. Actions, words, jokes, discrimination or comments based on an individual’s veteran status, national origin, genetic information, race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status or any other legally protected characteristic will not be tolerated. Sexual harassment includes unwanted sexual advances, sexual favors, or visual, verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature and will not be tolerated. If you experience sexual harassment, hostile work environment, retaliation, or witness other unlawful harassment in the workplace, you must report it immediately to the HR Director.
21.HIPAA Compliance: Employees may not use or disclose protected health information such as information related to past, present or future physical or mental health, or provision of health care, of an identifiable individual, except as permitted by law. Such information can only be disclosed to the individual, or for treatment, payment or health care operations, or otherwise per the individual’s authorization, and then only at a minimum level necessary to accomplish the intended purpose. See HIPAA policy for additional information on employee’s rights and procedures.
22.Records Accuracy: Sapona requires honest and accurate recording and reporting of information. Business expenses must be documented accurately and be for legitimate business expenses. Any suspected incident of fraud, bribery or theft should be immediately reported to your supervisor or management for investigation.
23.Personal Information: It is the responsibility of each employee to promptly notify Sapona of any changes in personal data such as changes in tax exemptions, insurance, beneficiaries, marital, change of name, address, etc.
24.Visitors: Only authorized visitors are allowed in the workplace area.
25.Outside Business: Soliciting, selling articles, collecting money, distributing literature about events and organizations outside of work or similar activities are not allowed except through express permission of management.
26.Information Systems: Phones, faxes, computers, e-mail, internet access and software are intended for business use, and workers must refrain from excessive personal use. Receiving personal phone calls at work during business hours is not allowed except in emergencies. Workers must not use a phone, computer, password, access a file, or retrieve any stored communication without authorization. The abuse of information systems in ways that are disruptive, offensive to others, or harmful to morale is prohibited. The unauthorized use, installation, copying, downloading or distribution of viruses or copyrighted, trademarked, or patented material is expressly prohibited. To ensure compliance with this policy, computer and e-mail usage may be monitored. Personal music players and radios are not allowed during work time without specific authorization.
27.Social Media: Workers are prohibited from making statements that expose trade secrets defame Sapona, Sapona's clients or products, or employees, or reveal proprietary information.
28.Conflict of Interest: Workers have an obligation to conduct business within guidelines that prohibit actual or potential conflicts of interest. Check with your supervisor if you think you may have a conflict of interest.
29.Confidentiality: Workers who improperly use or disclose trade secrets or confidential business information may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment and legal action.
30.Cell Phones: Cell phones are prohibited from use in the manufacturing and warehouse areas, unless work requirements mandate otherwise. If so, that requirement will be clearly communicated by the supervisor to those individuals.
31.Problem Resolution: Any worker with conflicts, questions or concerns about any type of harassment, drug use, discrimination, unsafe practice, illegal practice, unethical practice, policy or any other issues in the workplace are encouraged to bring these to the attention of the HR Director. Employees can raise concerns and make reports without fear of reprisal. Grievances and appeals should be addressed according to the Grievance Procedure.
32.Progressive Discipline: Minor violation of rules will first result in verbal, then written disciplinary action. Three written warnings in one year will result in termination. Suspension without pay may precede any termination to allow time to consider the facts. Some serious occurrences or series of incidents, as well as safety violations, drug and alcohol use, harassment and discrimination incidents will justify immediate written warning and possibly termination. It is within the discretion of management to determine whether any particular offense is worthy of discipline, as well as the level of discipline that may be imposed.
33.These rules are not intended to create a contract, nor are they to be read as any kind of contract of employment between the Company and any of its workers. These provisions have been developed at the discretion of management and, except for its policy of employment-at-will, may be amended or cancelled at any time, at the Company’s sole discretion. These rules may not address all behaviors and conduct subject to discipline or commendation.
copyright 2024 Sapona Plastics, LLC
1.At Will Employment: Employment with Sapona is voluntarily entered into, and the employee is free to resign at will at any time, with or without cause. Similarly, Sapona may terminate the employment relationship at will at any time, with or without notice or cause, so long as there is no violation of applicable federal or state law. Please give at least one week notice before quitting and talk it over with your supervisor first, whatever the reason.
2.Equal Employment: Sapona does not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices on the basis of veteran status, national origin, genetic information, race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status or any other characteristic protected by law. Reasonable accommodations will be made for qualified individuals with known disabilities unless doing so would result in an undue hardship.
3.Immigration Law Compliance: Sapona is committed to employing only United States citizens and aliens who are authorized to work in the United States and does not discriminate on the basis of citizenship or national origin.
4.Introductory period: An employee can be terminated for any reason within the first 60 days of employment. The successful completion of this period does not guarantee employment for any specific duration or limit the right of the employee or the Company to terminate employment at any time.
5.Training: Workers will be trained appropriately on new tasks and performance may be evaluated when appropriate. Workers must make every effort to continue to improve, learn, and cross train.
6.Safety and Health: Each worker is responsible for safety. Each worker is responsible for knowing and obeying the safety rules and established safety procedures and practices pertaining to their job.
7.Quality: Each worker is expected to know and follow the documented procedures and specific quality requirements for their job, and to understand the quality policy.
8.Housekeeping: Workers are required to keep their machines and work area clean and orderly. All workers are responsible for keeping the plant, break rooms, and facilities clean.
9.Conduct: Each worker is expected to conduct himself in a considerate and professional manner, treating others with courtesy and respect. Use of abusive and threatening language, fighting, horseplay, spreading malicious rumors, insubordination, and other objectionable or unsafe conduct will not be allowed.
10.Working Time: Hourly workers are asked to follow the starting and stopping work schedule for their particular shift. Unless authorized by your supervisor, you must not enter working areas more than six minutes before starting time nor remain in working areas more than six minutes after the end of the shift. Falsifying time records, tampering with time records, or clocking in for another worker is prohibited.
11.Break Time: Each worker is entitled to two 20 minute breaks during their 8 hour shift or three 20 minute breaks during a 12 hour shift, as scheduled by their supervisor. No one is allowed to be outside the plant, in their vehicle or visiting other unauthorized departments and work areas during their shift . Anyone leaving during their shift not on company business must punch out.
12.Rest Day: Workers are allowed to have at least 24 consecutive hours rest in any 7 day period.
13.Overtime: Excess overtime work must always be approved beforehand by a supervisor verbally. Overtime compensation is 1.5 times regular rate for any hours over 40 in a work week. Total of regular and overtime hours may not exceed 60 hours except in exceptional circumstances. Excess overtime will not be requested on a regular basis. Overtime will be with the consent of the worker. Workers that suspect overtime has not been properly calculated or compensated must immediately report the concern to their supervisors.
14.Absence: If you must be absent from work, please notify your supervisor in advance. If advance notice is not possible, you must contact your supervisor or the plant office on the first day you are out. Excessive absenteeism or tardiness for any reason can result in a written warning and possible termination. Excessive absenteeism is defined below for 8 hr and 12 hr employees:
For 12-hr employees:
2 absences < 3 months = Verbal (1st write up)
3 absences < 5 months = 2nd write up
4 absences < 6 months = 3rd write up
5 absences < 9 months = 4th write up/Termination
For 8-hr employees:
2 absences < 4 months = Verbal (1st write up)
3 absences < 6 months = 2nd write up
5 absences < 8 months = 3rd write up
7 absences < 12 months = 4th write up/Termination
If prolonged sickness or absence is anticipated, you should discuss leave options with the Director of HR.
15.Dress: You are expected to present a clean, neat, and tasteful appearance. You must dress and groom yourself according to the requirements of your position and accepted social standards. If your supervisor feels your personal appearance is inappropriate, you may be asked to leave the workplace until you are properly dressed or groomed. No open toe shoes are allowed and soles must be non-slip.
16.Smoking: Smoking is not allowed except in designated areas and only during scheduled breaks.
17.Property: Damaging buildings, machinery, supplies, or other company property in any way, and theft of such property is prohibited. This same respect is required of workers’ property. Notify your supervisor if any equipment, machines, tools, or vehicles appear to be damaged, defective, or in need of repair. Also, notify your supervisor or manager of any suspicious activity. All workers will respect the privacy of others. The company reserves the right to search lockers, belongings and persons.
18.Workplace Violence: Firearms, weapons, and other dangerous or hazardous devices or substances are prohibited from the premises of Sapona. Conduct that threatens, intimidates, or coerces another worker, a customer, or a member of the public at any time, including off-duty periods, will not be tolerated.
19.Alcohol and drugs: No worker may use, possess, distribute, sell or have present in one’s system alcohol or illegal drugs on company premises. Legal use of prescribed drugs is permitted on the job only if it does not impair an employee’s performance or threaten safety. Refer to the substance abuse policy for more details on testing, etc.
20.Harassment: Behavior that is offensive in nature, intimidating, unwelcomed, or that could reasonably be taken as objectionable will not be tolerated. Actions, words, jokes, discrimination or comments based on an individual’s veteran status, national origin, genetic information, race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status or any other legally protected characteristic will not be tolerated. Sexual harassment includes unwanted sexual advances, sexual favors, or visual, verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature and will not be tolerated. If you experience sexual harassment, hostile work environment, retaliation, or witness other unlawful harassment in the workplace, you must report it immediately to the HR Director.
21.HIPAA Compliance: Employees may not use or disclose protected health information such as information related to past, present or future physical or mental health, or provision of health care, of an identifiable individual, except as permitted by law. Such information can only be disclosed to the individual, or for treatment, payment or health care operations, or otherwise per the individual’s authorization, and then only at a minimum level necessary to accomplish the intended purpose. See HIPAA policy for additional information on employee’s rights and procedures.
22.Records Accuracy: Sapona requires honest and accurate recording and reporting of information. Business expenses must be documented accurately and be for legitimate business expenses. Any suspected incident of fraud, bribery or theft should be immediately reported to your supervisor or management for investigation.
23.Personal Information: It is the responsibility of each employee to promptly notify Sapona of any changes in personal data such as changes in tax exemptions, insurance, beneficiaries, marital, change of name, address, etc.
24.Visitors: Only authorized visitors are allowed in the workplace area.
25.Outside Business: Soliciting, selling articles, collecting money, distributing literature about events and organizations outside of work or similar activities are not allowed except through express permission of management.
26.Information Systems: Phones, faxes, computers, e-mail, internet access and software are intended for business use, and workers must refrain from excessive personal use. Receiving personal phone calls at work during business hours is not allowed except in emergencies. Workers must not use a phone, computer, password, access a file, or retrieve any stored communication without authorization. The abuse of information systems in ways that are disruptive, offensive to others, or harmful to morale is prohibited. The unauthorized use, installation, copying, downloading or distribution of viruses or copyrighted, trademarked, or patented material is expressly prohibited. To ensure compliance with this policy, computer and e-mail usage may be monitored. Personal music players and radios are not allowed during work time without specific authorization.
27.Social Media: Workers are prohibited from making statements that expose trade secrets defame Sapona, Sapona's clients or products, or employees, or reveal proprietary information.
28.Conflict of Interest: Workers have an obligation to conduct business within guidelines that prohibit actual or potential conflicts of interest. Check with your supervisor if you think you may have a conflict of interest.
29.Confidentiality: Workers who improperly use or disclose trade secrets or confidential business information may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment and legal action.
30.Cell Phones: Cell phones are prohibited from use in the manufacturing and warehouse areas, unless work requirements mandate otherwise. If so, that requirement will be clearly communicated by the supervisor to those individuals.
31.Problem Resolution: Any worker with conflicts, questions or concerns about any type of harassment, drug use, discrimination, unsafe practice, illegal practice, unethical practice, policy or any other issues in the workplace are encouraged to bring these to the attention of the HR Director. Employees can raise concerns and make reports without fear of reprisal. Grievances and appeals should be addressed according to the Grievance Procedure.
32.Progressive Discipline: Minor violation of rules will first result in verbal, then written disciplinary action. Three written warnings in one year will result in termination. Suspension without pay may precede any termination to allow time to consider the facts. Some serious occurrences or series of incidents, as well as safety violations, drug and alcohol use, harassment and discrimination incidents will justify immediate written warning and possibly termination. It is within the discretion of management to determine whether any particular offense is worthy of discipline, as well as the level of discipline that may be imposed.
33.These rules are not intended to create a contract, nor are they to be read as any kind of contract of employment between the Company and any of its workers. These provisions have been developed at the discretion of management and, except for its policy of employment-at-will, may be amended or cancelled at any time, at the Company’s sole discretion. These rules may not address all behaviors and conduct subject to discipline or commendation.
copyright 2024 Sapona Plastics, LLC