Our objective with our suppliers is on-time delivery of quality product at a reasonable price.
Sapona Plastics maintains purchasing procedures to ensure that purchased product conforms to the specified requirements of Sapona Plastics and our customers. All quality requirements are clearly defined and communicated to the supplier by the Purchasing Representative. Supplier control is dependent upon effect of the purchased product on subsequent product realization or the final product.
Suppliers are evaluated and selected based on their ability to supply product to specified requirements. Criteria for selection, evaluation and re-evaluation are defined. Records of the results of evaluations and any necessary actions arising from the evaluation are maintained.
Sapona Plastics attempts to limit its supplier base and establish long-term working relationships with its suppliers. Where our customer specifies an approved supplier, Sapona Plastics will purchase material only from the customers approved list. Additional suppliers are only used after approval has been granted by the customer.
All materials used in manufacturing satisfy all governmental, environmental and safety constraints on restricted, toxic and hazardous materials. Suppliers are required to abide by all governmental and safety constraints on restricted toxic and hazardous substances. Sapona Plastics maintains relevant purchasing information to the extent required for traceability. No substitutions or significant changes can be made to supplies without proper notification and approval.
Procedures are in place for the verification and approval of purchased product. Where Sapona or its customers intend to perform verification at the supplier’s premises, the intended verification arrangements and method of release will be defined in the purchasing information.
Suppliers are selected, monitored and evaluated on various criteria which may include: Quality, delivery, price, location, technical capability, risks and opportunities, order acknowledgment, service, satisfaction, and customer focus. Key Suppliers are monitored monthly by selected criteria and re-evaluated as needed.
New suppliers of key components will be required to complete a supplier survey. This survey will provide information about key contacts, size, certifications, etc.. We are especially interested to know if supplier quality systems are registered to ISO9001:2015 standards. We expect all suppliers to verify worker's comp and liability insurance.
Subcontracted processes must remain within control of Sapona's quality system and ISO9001:2015 Sapona will define and communicate all necessary controls and requirements to the supplier. Sapona will define and communicate requirements and verification activities that will be used to evaluate the delivered product or service. Suppliers may be required to monitor/report their impact on climate change and direct/indirect CO2 emissions. Suppliers are expected to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. These should ensure local and international legal compliance, safe working conditions, workers rights, and environmental stewardship.
Maintain loyalty to your employer. Pursue your organization's objectives consistent with this code as long as no federal, state, or local laws are violated.
Buy without personal prejudice from suppliers who offer the optimum value when all factors are considered.
Be honest and insist on honesty from others. Denounce all forms of unscrupulous business practices.
Avoid all conflicts of interest which would jeopardize impartiality in your business transactions.
Be truthful with your suppliers, potential suppliers, and all others with whom you do business.
Maintain high standards of personal conduct.
Refuse to accept gratuities offered by suppliers or potential suppliers.
Code of Conduct
Strive constantly to improve his or her knowledge of methods, materials, and processes that affect purchasing performance.
Practice and insist on sound business principles in the conduct of all transactions.
Be receptive to competent counsel from colleagues and demonstrate a willingness to share in support of the purchasing profession.
These expectations are no less than what we expect from our team here at Sapona Plastics.